Falco vom Blick Solitude

BORN: 08.06.2006
VARIANT: Tervueren
SEX Male
FREQUENCY OF ATTACKS:: 2 times a months, is currently on medication.
NOTE At this moment we have seen 13 seizures (1.6.2011) since the end of january 2011. He has grand mal seizures in the night – the last ones observed have also been during the day. He falls to the ground and
cycles with the legs with his whole body seizuring, gasping, salivation and urination too. He can not be contacted. The seizure lasts 2-3 minutes. Afterwards he can not find his balance and he is week. Then he is very restless and runs around in the house/garden for approx. 30 minutes. He has been diagnosed at the vet including a bigger blood work which shows that he is healthy. He is currently being treated with phenoleptil (Phenobarbital).


Ygo de Marcolina Uron de Marcolina Krack de Marcolina
Fanny du Vert Touquet
Tessa de Marcolina Nic de Marcolina
Queeny des Terres Bergeres
Shirley vom Schwarzen Ulan Milan de la Closerie de Yenda Jirian du Mas de la Galandie
Hestia-Belle de la Closerie de Yenda
Eve vom Schwarzen Ulan Lasco van´t Hot ter Dyle
Ariane vom Schwarzen Ulan



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