Chittaprasad Jairam du Volant

BORN:  15/11/2007
SEX:  Male
VARIANT:  Groenendael
DATE OF FIRST ATTACK Grand mal Seizure 6/22/13 (5.5 yrs) w/ concurrent neck injury. Jai paddled across floor and hit the wall, but was not immediately clear if neck injury is from bitework or seizure. XRays clean.

Grand mal seizure 8/27/13. Chinese Remedy started. No observed Seizures for more than 1 year. Weaned off remedy by veterinary advice.

Grand Mal seizure 1/14/2015. Remedy resumed

NOTE  Jai has continued to have seizures with some increase in frequency. However since his frequency is less than 1 per month (just a few per year) veterinarians recommend not medicating. Management is primarily to keep Jai’s life routine, and to keep stress and excitement minimal. Under stress or new conditions, his behavior can be unpredictable, and so he is then muzzled.

Jai had increase in frequency when castrated due to unresolved BPH, Summer 2015. He had a couple cluster seizures following surgery, but has not been many months again without a seizure.

Orsam de Salte Cabre  Duke du Lac du Lezert Atos
Alfa du Manoir d’Ardivillier
Harmony de Salte Cabre Carlos de Salte Cabre
Adja de Salte Cabre
Baikadunia MegaSpirit’s All For One Char-Ma’s Gold Mine
Mega Spirit von Siegestor
Unja d’Aljepalo Otto
Pasha d’Aljepalo

   Registrated siblings
with epilepsy

   Registrated half-siblings
(same mother)
with epilepsy

   Registrated half-siblings
(same father)
with epilepsy

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