Crystal Blue des Perles Noires

BORN: 24.06.2007
DEAD: 26.10.2010
SEX: Female, neutered 20.10.2008
VARIANT Groenendael
FREQUENCY OF ATTACKS A lot of times, the first month after beginning 10 times in the month
SInce the first attak, every month, a long serial
fits…during 3 days, 4 days.  Juni 2010 : status épileptic must go to hospital, large hallucinations.
 MEDICATION : Morning : 1 gardénal (phenobarbital)+ 300mg potassium bromide, Evening : 2 gardénal  (phenobarbital and every 6 hours : 150mg GABAPENTINE!. She was very difficult to medicate
but with the above she stayed stabile for 70 days – after that worsening and finally euthanasia needed.


Ubak des Perles Noires Zoran of the Evening Star  Thula
Savanah of the Evening Star
Pearl des Perles Noires Tsisco van de -hoge Laer
Melba des Perles Noires
Appy-Girl des Perles Noires Donatrix Quastor Valkohampaan Dumbarton
Donatrix Altesse
Melba des perles noires Horry de la Clairière aux
Gladys des Perles Noires



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